Marcin Kluczyk; Andrzej Grządziela; Original scientific paper, pp. 1-8 Download Category: Vol. 67 No.1By admin11. ožujka 2020.Related PostsMaritime Communications Network Development Using Virtualised Network Slicing of 5G Network12. ožujka 2020.Impact of Traffic Connectivity on Island Development12. ožujka 2020.Modelling of Forces Acting on a System of the UAV Launcher, Based on Passive Magnetic Suspensions with Superconductors12. ožujka 2020.Determining the Regime Shift of the Baltic Sea Ice Seasons during 1982–201612. ožujka 2020.Research of Marine Ferry Systems Based on Discretization pf Processes and Simulation Ferry Market Based on CIRCOS Intensity Graph12. ožujka 2020.Green Transport Chains Analysis: Pollution vs. Price and Time Elements on Asia – Eastern Adriatic Trade12. ožujka 2020.
Maritime Communications Network Development Using Virtualised Network Slicing of 5G Network12. ožujka 2020.
Modelling of Forces Acting on a System of the UAV Launcher, Based on Passive Magnetic Suspensions with Superconductors12. ožujka 2020.
Research of Marine Ferry Systems Based on Discretization pf Processes and Simulation Ferry Market Based on CIRCOS Intensity Graph12. ožujka 2020.
Green Transport Chains Analysis: Pollution vs. Price and Time Elements on Asia – Eastern Adriatic Trade12. ožujka 2020.