3rd International Conference of Maritime Science & Technology Our Sea 2023
Safety, Innovation, Resilience

Dubrovnik, Croatia,
14 – 16 September 2023




  1. All scientific papers must pass through two positive reviewing processes, whereby international reviewers do not know author’s identity. The papers accepted are categorized in the following categories: original (authentic) scientific paper, preliminary report, review paper and professional paper which must be approved by one reviewer. The following papers which are not subject  to reviewing are: information from scientific conferences, book and journal reviews and the comments of new regulations or organizational changes.
  2. Every manuscript offered must be original/authentic, not repeated, clearly prepared in accordance with the instructions to authors and only for the purpose to be published by „Naše more“ conference. The papers either already published or offered to some other publishers will not be accepted.
  3. The authors must submit their own papers in English.
  4. At the beginning, the author’s name and family name should be written, as well as the institution of the employment, contact address, telephone number and e-mail address, the title of the paper and the summary. The summary should contain 250 signs to a maximum. The summary should in itself include the goal, methodology, basic terms, thesis and scientific contribution of the paper. After the summary, the key words must be extracted.
  5. High quality figures and attachments should be sent separately from the manuscript, each as a separate file, either by snail mail on a CD or any other media, or electronically (preferably). The figures should be prepared either in JPG or TIFF format ( in colour, resolution 300 ppi and grayscale 600 ppi). The photos are required to have high offsetting quality.
  6. Tables, diagrams, figures and charts must be self-explanatory (with ordinal number, title, source and if possible, with the symbol explanations). Formulae are to be written as clearly as possible and the standardized signs used.
  7. In References, at the end of the manuscript, bibliographic units with cardinal number (in brackets) and alphabeticaly ordered list of the authors’ family names are required. The quotations are given in square brackets with the ordinal number of the bibliographic unit and page, or the family name of the author of the unit, the year of the edition as well as the page. The quotations within the notes should be avoided.Example:Book[1] Stopford, M. (2003) Maritime Economics. Routledge. London & New YorkJournal article[1] Kendall, P. M. (1972) The theory of optimal ship size. Journal of Transport Economies and Policy. Vol. VI. No 2. pp. 128-146Conference article[1] Krile, S. (2005) Optimal Voyage Planning in Container Shipping. Proceedings of 25th International Conference of Automation in Transportation (Korema). Zagreb–Copenhagen. pp. 32-35
  8. The manuscript should be sent at the journal’s address: conference@nasemore.com
  9. Authors are responsible for the veracity of their papers. Thus, the University of Dubrovnik will not have any liability or responsibility for the content of papers.

Authors can download full paper template here