Antonia Kurtela, Nenad Antolović, Nikša Glavić, Valter Kožul; Professional paper, pp. 1-5 Download Category: Vol. 66 No.3 SupplementBy admin30. rujna 2019.Related PostsCroatian Seafarers on Board Ships in the International Shipping Trade Signed the National Collective Agreement (2019 – 2020)30. rujna 2019.The Positions of Russia and Croatia Shipbuilding Products on World Markets and Prospects of Co-Operation (Analytical Overview)30. rujna 2019.Efficiency of Production of Motor Biofuels for Water and Land Transport30. rujna 2019.Editorial30. rujna 2019.
Croatian Seafarers on Board Ships in the International Shipping Trade Signed the National Collective Agreement (2019 – 2020)30. rujna 2019.
The Positions of Russia and Croatia Shipbuilding Products on World Markets and Prospects of Co-Operation (Analytical Overview)30. rujna 2019.