Increase of the Effective Production of Crankshafts for Ship Engines Vol. 63 No.4By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Airborne Weather Radar Concept for Measuring Water Surface Backscattering Signature and Sea Wind at Circular Flight Vol. 63 No.4By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Safe Ship’s Trajectory Determined by the Influence of the Drift Vol. 63 No.4By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Multi-criteria Decision making in Components Importance Analysis applied to a Complex Marine System Vol. 63 No.4By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Quantitative Analysis of Maritime Passenger Transport in Europe Vol. 63 No.4By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Intermodal Transport System Quality Indicators in the Context of the Adriatic-Ionian Region Vol. 63 No.4By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Virtual Concept of a Symbiotic Environment for CBL and CBT Methods Based Education in Aircraft System Vol. 63 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Human Factor in Conversation Between Subordinates and Managers Vol. 63 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Using Simple Mathematics in the Sailing Problem Vol. 63 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Financial Analysis of an Average Transport Company in the Czech Republic Vol. 63 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download