Quality Evaluation in Regional Passenger Rail Transport Vol. 62 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Model to Predict Survival of Transportation and Shipping Companies Vol. 62 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
A Proposal for the Optimization of Storage Areas in a Selected Enterprise Vol. 62 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
The Optimization of the Intermodal Terminals Vol. 62 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
The Application of Mathematical Methods to the Determination of Transport Flows Vol. 62 No.3 Special IssueBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Hidroelektrana Ombla Projekt za energetsko korištenje podzemnih voda u kršu i trajno očuvanje visoke kvalitete pitke vode Vol. 62 No.2 SupplementBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Profiles of the Domestic Visitors of Dubrovnik Beaches in the Context of Altman’s Theory of Territoriality Vol. 62 No.2 SupplementBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Koncept brodskih elektroenergetskih sustava u brodova s dinamičkim pozicioniranjem Vol. 62 No.2 SupplementBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Pretrage broda, temelj sigurnosne zaštite svakog broda Vol. 62 No.2 SupplementBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download