Dubrovnik u romanu Matijaš Sandorf (1885.) francuskog pisca Julesa Vernea (1828. – 1905.) Vol. 64 No. 2 SupplementBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
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Zajedničke havarije s posebnim osvrtom na izmjene York-Antwerpenskih pravila 2016. Vol. 64 No. 2 SupplementBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
The Analysis of the Seafares´Employment Legislation in the Republic of Slovenia Vol. 64 No. 2 SupplementBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Kvantitativna analiza utjecaja porasta razine Jadranskog mora na hrvatsku obalu: GIS pristup Vol. 64 No. 2 SupplementBy admin20. travnja 2018.Download
A Short Review of U. S. Naval Ship Concept Design Technology Development Features Vol. 64 No. 2By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Concerning Intelligent ICT Exploitation in some Maritime Business Organizations: A Pilot Study Vol. 64 No. 2By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Modeling the Qualitative Relationship among Risks Associated with Occupational and Workplace Hazards in Seaport Environments: the Case of Apapa Port, Nigeria Vol. 64 No. 2By admin20. travnja 2018.Download
Experimental Estimation of Material and Support Properties for Flexible Dolphin Structures Vol. 64 No. 2By admin20. travnja 2018.Download